Usually when someone decides to start a greeting card company, they are either an artist of some kind or have a talent for writing. Both of these talents are going to be needed, but trust me, it takes a whole lot more then creative talent to start a business. There is the ‘business of the business’ that must be taken seriously.
But let’s start with the creative aspects.
Most new companies in the industry are started by artists, for any artist, the idea of finding a way to make a living selling their art is a lifetime struggle. Finding a market for your original art can be very difficult. In talking with hundreds of artists over the years that got into this market, that was most often the reason that finally came out.
The answer to this question comes first from the creative aspect. Do you have the ability and the desire to create 100 or more cards per year every year?
The Greeting card industry is a business and like any creative or fashion business, it depends on new products to come to market for every season and every year. So take a minute and think about how many cards are you willing to design each and every year?
Only if you can see yourself doing 100’s every year should you even consider starting a full time business. If not, consider offering your creative services to an existing company. In a future entry, I’ll write more about how to go about this. In the meantime, you can search the web and find many articles on submitting your ideas.
Good luck!
For more information on me, please visit my website at
Monday, February 11, 2008
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